His Glory in the Miraculous

Blog by Darlene Winans

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This morning, I was reading from the book of Exodus 16. The backstory is the Israelites grumbled against God, because they had no food. They did their usual complaining, saying something like, “If only the Lord had let us stay in Egypt, where we had pots of food and all we could eat!”  So the Lord told Moses He would give them quail in the evening and manna in the morning and each and every day (except the Sabbath) from that day forward until they reached the Promised Land. 

I love verses 6 & 7 because Moses and Aaron remind the Israelites, who are only one month into their escape from Egypt and their journey to the Promised Land, that the quail they are about to receive in the evening is sent as a reminder that it was the Lord who brought them out of Egypt, and the manna in the morning will be so that they will see the glory of the Lord:

So Moses and Aaron said to all the Israelites, “In the evening you will know that it was the Lord who brought you out of Egypt, and in the morning you will see the glory of the Lord because he has heard your grumbling against him. 

What occurred to me was that the glory of the Lord, in this case, represented something miraculous: He was going to cause manna to fall from the sky, even though the Israelites grumbled against Him. They didn’t bow before the Lord and pray for food; they didn’t humble themselves before the Lord; they GRUMBLED. 

What a loving and wonderful God we serve! He provides even when we grumble and complain—He still provides for our every need! Now, grumbling is not the way to be our best selves, but the point is that He loves us even still! Hallelujah! 

Is there a miracle you’re praying for? Have you waited a long time to see it come to pass? Have you fallen into grumbling or complaining that the Lord has yet to provide it? Are you looking back to your Egypt, to your past, to the place you were enslaved to sin? Rejoice, my brothers and sisters; even in the grumbling, God still provides! God forgives our grumbling and complaining and, even because of it, will show us the miracle so that His glory will be shown!

I’m believing with you, IWM family, for your miracle to come to pass! To God be the glory! Amen!

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