
Who are we?

International Women’s Ministries (IWM) is called to wipe the tears of our sisters globally until Jesus, the King of kings comes back to wipe away all tears. Rev. 7:17

IWM is a 501c3 nonprofit organization with a Board of Directors that governs its finances and brings oversight to the ministry.

What We Do

We travel overseas and work alongside the wives, widows and single women working in hard mission fields. We go to encourage women by holding conferences, sowing precious seeds into their ministries and praying for them as we serve them.

We work with churches, small groups and individuals in partnership to answer God’s call to the wipe many tears.

Gifted Speakers

God has blessed IWM with a group of women who are seasoned in the scriptures and life experiences and are ready to share of the hope that is within them. Let us know if you need a speaker at your event or small group.

Global Missions Advocates

We are global ambassadors for Jesus. We speak for those who cannot speak for themselves. We rebuke the oppressor by advocating for resources for our missionary partners. We take seriously God’s Word in Isaiah 1:17 that says: “Learn to do good; seek justice, rebuke the oppressor; Defend the fatherless, Plead the case of the widow.”

IWM works in many countries in the hopes of hastening the Lord’s coming and spreading the gospel until all have heard the name of Jesus!

Missions Trips

IWM has several trips lined up. If you are interested in taking a trip with us, then please click the button below to fill out our online trip application or email: autumn@internationalwomensministries.com

Intercessory Prayer

Prayer is central to the foundation of IWM. We have a team of intercessors that prays for our missionary partners and the work of IWM. To join the intercessor prayer list, go to internationalwomensministries.com and sign-up.


Your partnership with this ministry means so much! Your gifts go 100% to missionary partners you designate. We withhold nothing. The IWM ministry is volunteer driven, and no one receives a salary. We do it because we are called. IWM lives by faith and works by faith, knowing that Jehovah Jireh is our provider.

A Note from Our Founder and President

Dear Friends,

It is truly an honor to serve the kingdom of God and missionary women working in hard mission fields. My prayer is that you catch the vision to wipe tears as you spend time with the IWM team. God has put together a beautiful team of women from many backgrounds with amazing testimonies of God’s faithfulness at work in their lives. I am honored to work with them here, and around the world.

This ministry was born from my own brokenness and the need for someone to wipe my tears. God calls all of us to be tear wipers. He could do it himself, but he chooses to use broken, willing vessels to do it. I am one of them. You are one of them. It’s a movement in the nations to wipe tears and encourage one another.

As you hear missionary stories, testimonies, and God’s heart for missions, I pray you become a tear wiper! We are all a part of God’s amazing plan to hasten the Lord’s coming.
Let’s do it together!

Many Nations, One Mission,
Wiping Tears!
Autumn Nims

About The Founder

Autumn Nims is the founder of International Women’s Ministries. For Autumn, “Missions is a lifestyle, not a one-time event.” Because women wiped her tears, she values each opportunity to wipe the tears (and help other women learn how to wipe the tears) of hurting women who are serving as missionaries in various parts of the world. Autumn holds credentials in the Church of God and studied pastoral ministry and Christian leadership at Lee University. She has served in many ministry roles in the body of Christ, including church ministry. She finds great satisfaction as a licensed personal coach and church consultant. Her favorite verse, and the one she holds onto as both an instruction and a promise, is, “Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations; I will be exalted in the earth” (Psalm 46:10).

Board Members

Darlene Winans Photo

Darlene Winans


A pastor’s wife, teacher, and accountant living in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. She loves the Lord and follows the vision He gave her to encourage women in ministry, reminding them that they are not alone and not forgotten. She believes that her work with IWM aligns with this purpose, as it allows her to support and comfort women around the world.

Joann Wolfe

Joann Wolfe


A prayer intercessor for the Body of Christ, a missionary, discipler, and teacher. She is dedicated to equipping others to walk in close relationship with the Lord and to build loving relationships with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Joann spreads the Gospel in community and through world missions, and holds dear the scriptures Isaiah 61:1-11, James 1:2-5, Romans 8:26-31, Psalm 23, 27, 34, & 45. She is blessed with three children, their spouses, and seven grandchildren.

Michele Degarmo

Michele DeGarmo


Michele has had a heart for missions since her first trip to Haiti in 1996. Her willingness to go wherever God leads has allowed her to serve alongside missionaries around the world. IWM’s mission to support missionaries in difficult mission fields aligns with Michele’s calling to encourage, assist, and share God’s love with underserved people. Michele is grateful, joyful, and anticipates being a part of IWM, serving its missionaries, and witnessing God’s continued growth and use of this ministry worldwide.
JoAnn Auger April0050 L

JoAnn Auger


JoAnn is a coach, consultant, and a sought-after speaker with over 30 years of experience in leadership and people development. She understands the importance of fully-engaged leadership. Over the past two decades, JoAnn has been dedicated to supporting leaders in establishing and incorporating effective habits essential for successful and engaged teams. She also serves as a Board member for Ameritus and is a valued advisor to the IWM organization.