Always On Mission

The moment Ashley spoke about going on a mission’s trip to Nicaragua, there was an immediate nudge
in my spirit that I should go. I wanted to say yes immediately and I believe I did. However, I also knew
that I needed to pray and ask God if this was His desire for me. It couldn’t just be about this undeniable
passion I could not seem to quench. This passion that I felt for people in other countries, impoverished
countries who may need encouragement that the Lord still sees them and loves them, created a stir
within me.

As the months went by before any planning began, I prayed and fasted. I inquired of the Lord. Although,
I had this great desire to go on a mission’s trip, I was nervous. I had never been on one before and I was
now fifty-four years old. Had my time passed to serve in this way? Would I be effective in this role?
Would I be an asset to the team? The enemy was using his best schemes to try to discourage and
dissuade me. God made it very clear that I was supposed to go on this trip, at this time, with this
amazing team of Godly women. He confirmed it several times through various means. God brought to
my remembrance words spoken over me two years prior.
Ten years ago, I was scheduled to go on a mission’s trip to Haiti. I had placed my deposit down, showed
up for the first meeting ready to set out on mission for Jesus! Then it was canceled, just like that. There
were not enough people signed up to go.

God knew this was not the right time for me to go. I didn’t know but He did. Maybe it was because I was
still in the infancy stage of my Christian walk. Maybe it was because I needed to be free from some
bondage that was still holding me captive. Whatever the reason, God knew. He always does what is best
for us even when we don’t agree.

Over the years, I thought about going on mission’s trips many times. I still had this overwhelming desire
to go and share the gospel, to encourage and equip others wherever God would send me. I felt called to
it. Yet, as the years passed, I grew discouraged. I thought maybe I was mistaken and this was not part of
God’s plan for me. However, I am truly learning that God’s timing is always perfect!
There were bumps along the way. I received all the funding needed to travel with the team being sent
by International Women’s Ministries. However, I had to renew my passport. This process caused me a
bit of anxiety as time drew near and no passport! This testing of faith certainly caused me to pray
fervently. I fasted and waited. Then, I called in reinforcements! A mighty army of prayer warriors
stormed heaven for and with me! My passport arrived three days before departure!

The trip to Nicaragua was life-changing! It is truly difficult to put into words. I know that I will never be
the same. Going to another country and loving on women and children, who do not have any of the
luxuries we have here in the United States, yet they love and worship the Lord with such joy. It brings
tears to my eyes. There were so many special, intimate moments where God’s presence was felt so
strongly. The Spirit of the Living God was with us and moving mightily! Every aspect of this trip was
covered, shaped and anointed by the hand of our loving Father. He went before us and prepared the
way. He guided, protected and provided more than we could ask, think or imagine.

We held five women’s conferences in seven days. In between, we were praying and preparing. It was a
busy week. Yet, the reward was great! Many women came to our conferences from multiple churches
every day. The only thing that would stop them from coming was the road washing out. They came and
they worshiped with all that was in them! The presence of the Holy Spirit was unmistakable!

I am so very thankful for the opportunity to serve wherever God leads. Our Lord brought nine women
together along with Traci Warner our host missionary, Jessica Mulder, a missionary team member and
two amazing interpreters, all from different states, backgrounds and all different ages to be on mission
for Him in complete unity! Only God can do that! I am thankful for the leadership of Ashley Nelson and
all the thorough preparations she made to ensure the success of our trip. I treasure the bonds that our
team formed as sisters in Christ. I am so in awe of our God!

I encourage anyone who feels called to travel to another country on mission for the lord to go! Be
obedient no matter your age, no matter your fears or doubts. Just go! Trust the Lord and obey His call!
He will provide all that you need and you will never be the same.

With that being said, we, as followers of Christ, are always on mission. Every day, wherever we are and
wherever we go, we are on mission for the Lord. We are His representatives, His ambassadors here on
earth. I am thankful that He invites us to be a part of what He is doing. He does not need us. Yet, He still
calls us to join Him in His work. Our answer, should always be Yes!

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am
with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20

Father God, thank you for always being with us. Thank you for speaking to us so that we know where
you are calling us to go and what you are calling us to do. Thank you for your grace and strength to
accomplish every plan and purpose you have established for us. May we always live in a posture of
humility, trust and obedience. May we always be thankful for the opportunity to serve you in all the
ways you direct us. Please keep us from being distracted or discouraged so that we are not deterred
from the work set before us. Help us to keep our eyes and hearts fixed on you! In Jesus’ Precious Name,

Lanette Black

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