I stand in awe of Your glory!

By Autumn Nims

As Isaiah proclaimed, “Woe is me, for I am undone! Because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts.” — Isaiah 6:5

In a powerful encounter, the Prophet Isaiah met the Lord, a moment that changed his life forever and launched his ministry. He received an astounding vision of the Lord seated on a high throne, His robe filling the temple with grandeur. Seraphim surrounded Him, declaring, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of Heaven’s armies! The whole earth is filled with His glory!” — Isaiah 6:3. The very foundations trembled, and the air filled with smoke, leaving Isaiah overwhelmed with reverence. His cry, “I am undone!” captures the essence of being pierced by the holiness of God. In that moment, he confronted his sinfulness before the ultimate Holy King. This recognition led him to repent and experience a profound transformation and higher calling.

Acknowledging his own sinfulness, a seraph flew in and touched Isaiah’s lips with a hot coal from the altar, signifying the divine cleansing he so desperately needed.

Here’s the remarkable revelation: Following Isaiah’s repentant cry, the Lord called, “Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go?” — Isaiah 6:8

Isaiah, filled with newfound courage, replied, “Here I am. Send me.”

In this pivotal moment, we see God’s transformative power at work and the beginning of Isaiah’s ministry. To be instruments of God’s will, we must first recognize our need for His transformative grace in our lives. This isn’t a one-time event but a daily practice of surrendering our lives at the altar of the Holy God.

The call of God is universal; it beckons to each of us. Our ability to discern His call hinges on our willingness to truly listen, which is influenced by our desire to want more of Him. “Many are called, but few are chosen.” (Matthew 22:14) The chosen ones are those who actively nurture their relationship with the Lord. Isaiah’s decision to embrace this relationship came before the divine call.

As we deepen our intimacy with the Lord, we will behold His glory and hear His voice asking, “Who will go?”

What will your response be?

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