Dear Sister Autumn and IWM Board,
As I do the work the Lord has called me, I am blessed to see God’s mercies and great love for those who do not even know Him yet. I want to share with you a story about God’s goodness and power. May you be encouraged.
Story of Kayil
Through my hospitality ministry I receive people in my house continuously. Most of the people who come to my house are dealing with illnesses. I provide them free food and stay and assist them to get the medical care they need.
Few years ago, a family came to my house with their two weeks old baby. Like most of the people who come to my house seeking help, this family was also strangers to me. The little baby boy Kayil was looking lifeless. I took Kayil to a hospital in the city, and after the medical tests, we met the team of doctors attending Kayil. They had sad news, the doctors said Kayil has suffered many seizures and because of that his eyesight and hearing is damaged, and his muscles and nerves are also affected and that he might not be able to walk. Doctors said after three months they can repeat the tests to see further damages the seizures have caused to Kayil’s brain. When I saw the pain in the eyes of the parents and the grandmother of baby Kayil, and his tiny little body, my heart was broken for them. I asked them if I could pray for Kayil. And I also told them I will pray in the name of Jesus, and they agreed. They continued staying in my house and I prayed for Kayil every day.
Three months later when the tests were repeated, the doctors said that they were amazed about the progress Kayil had made. His eyesight and his hearing are fine, and his muscle flexibility is almost normal and that he may be able to walk. There were tears of joy! I told them that the Lord Jesus had shown mercy and healed Kayil. There was silence in the room, but my heart was singing Praises to God.
I continue to be in contact with Kayil’s family and they are always thankful to me for taking care of them in times of need. Please pray that they will come to know The One who healed Kayil, so they can Praise Him and receive His love and forgiveness.
Thank you so much for your prayers and support for the ministry. Thank you for your encouragement and kindness.
In His Love